How do I use the Scripts menu?

This feature requires TinyPilot Pro 2.7 or later.

TinyPilot can run scripts directly from the web interface, allowing you to automate repetitive tasks or add custom functionality to your workflow.

You can find scripts on our website, such as our mouse jiggler, or you can create your own.

Warning: Only add scripts from trustworthy sources. A malicious script could compromise your TinyPilot device, network, or target machine.

Running scripts

TinyPilot's "Scripts" menu will appear once you've installed at least one user script:

The TinyPilot web interface is open, showing the Scripts menu.

To run a script, click on its name. You'll see a confirmation message once your TinyPilot device launches the script:

A dialog window shows the name of a script that TinyPilot just launched.

Deleting scripts

You can remove a script from your TinyPilot device by running the following snippet. Replace the example script name with the name of the script you want to delete, precisely as it appears in the "Scripts" menu:

sudo rm "/usr/bin/tinypilot-user-scripts/${SCRIPT_NAME}"

Developing custom scripts

Advanced users can run their own custom scripts by adding them to the /usr/bin/tinypilot-user-scripts directory. Custom scripts must:

  • Use a supported format, such as Bash or Python.
  • Be owned by the root user and group.
  • Have permissions 744 (rwxr--r--).
  • Not require user interaction (i.e., be "headless").